Joe Pomeroy

Joe Pomeroy

One of the big questions I ask when considering whether or not to invest my time (let's be honest, it's not the $$ cause we'll blow $10 on a mediocre lunch) into a book is this: Is there anything new for me to gain in reading this book?And I'll tell you, I'm a bit irritated with author John Meese... I've been in the online business space for over 5 years, and this book would have saved me so much time from chasing gurus. I wish Mr. Meese would have had this book available when I first started. Thankfully, there's always room to grow so I still find it a great asset.The way the material is presented both in word and through illustration makes the content feel so fresh. Concepts I've heard before are in the book, of course, but John's presentation and communication of those concepts makes them *easier to understand* and *faster to implement.*Having said that, I do wish there were more illustrations to guide the reader through the concepts. The illustrations that are there are so helpful in *creating clarity*, it really made me want more. Especially because it sets it apart from other books in this genre.Truth be told, I have not finished the book cover to cover. But why would I? The material is delivered in a way that encourages taking action rather than simple study. None of us need another book on theory or how cool the author is for grinding it out. What we need is what John offers. Practical wisdom, easy to understand, easy to apply.If you are a wantrepreneur looking to start or an entrepreneur ready to scale - this book is your best bet. I highly recommend it.